Regulatory Code
Common Equity is a nationally registered tier two housing provider.
The national standards for tier two providers seek to ensure satisfactory performance against set benchmarks in the following areas:
1. Tenant and housing services
The community housing provider is fair, transparent and responsive in delivering housing assistance to tenants, residents and other clients.
2. Housing Assets
The community housing provider is fair, transparent and responsive in delivering housing assistance to tenants, residents and other clients.
3. Community Engagement
The community housing provider works in partnership with relevant organisations to promote community housing and to contribute to socially inclusive communities
4. Governance
The community housing provider is well-governed to support the aims and intended outcomes of its business
5. Probity
The community housing provider maintains high standards of probity relating to the business of the provider
6. Management
The community housing provider manages its resources to achieve the intended outcomes of its business in a cost effective manner
7. Financial Viability
The community housing provider is financially viable at all times